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Untitled design - 2023-04-03T220138.706.png
BY HAND (7).png
BY HAND (3)_edited.jpg
BY HAND (6).png
Untitled (Facebook Cover) (32)
collecting (2).png
OF ME (correct font)

Click image and it enlarges (light box)  image and copy are together mayb phto behind copy - words over image with filter)

Use k-12  logo and actually type out the poem below video - link to youtube video

Include Thankyou melony Match font for "living in greatnes on thumbnail"

Untitled design - 2022-12-16T155051.065.png
1920 x 1080 trs black.jpg
Untitled (Facebook Cover) (33).png
collecting (3).png


Hover Box  to reveal poem

Light arounud her face- make copy on top of video - resize vide

Meeting Mr. Oscar Rough Cuts.JPG

There is a dog screen play - maybe cut out image of her brothers dog and use that somehow- the scripts should be featured for all of the screen plays- use water parksand other interesting ways to display them as graphics

BY HAND (8)_edited.jpg
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